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Macbook Pro Laptop Hard Drive

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This article includes instructions and suggestions for storing, organizing, and backing up files on your MacBook hard drive. Macbook pro not recognizing usb. It is intended for any student or employee with a MacBook.

Fig 2. Select hard drive icon and Users to access Home folder

Where are your files?

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You have full administrative rights to your laptop. That means you have the ability to save your files just about anywhere on your laptop's hard drive. You may have saved things, intentionally or unintentionally, to locations other than the ones we configured as described below. It's up to you to find and manage those folders and files. Every WSU MacBook hard drive is set up the same way:

MacBook Pro Hard Drives. Macbook pro games 2019. This part is compatible with a Mid 2012 or Early 2013 MacBook Pro 13' Retina laptop. MacBook Pro 13' and 15' Retina (Late 2013. We sell dozens of MacBook Pro upgrades and repair parts. It's easy, fast, and safe to max out your machine! Two RAM slots allow for an easy memory boost. Need more storage? Drop in a larger-capacity 500 GB 7200 RPM 9.5mm SATA hard drive for some much-needed space as well as speed. There is a possibility of danger if the Macbook Pro has power when the hard drive is removed. Flip the Macbook Pro over so the Apple logo is on the table and the black laptop hinge is furthest from you.

  • On a MacBook, all of the space on the single hard drive is assigned to one partition called MacBook Pro/Air # where the number represents the year it was distributed (e.g., MacBook Pro 13). Open your hard drive by double-clicking the MacBook Pro/Air # drive icon on your desktop (Figure 1).
  • You will see several folders on what is called the root of the hard drive. Do not delete or rename any of these folders.
  • Inside the Users folder, you will find your Home folder (Figure 2).

About the Home folder

Your Home folder is a special folder on your hard drive set up just for you. This is where you should save any personal or school-related files on your laptop. To help you keep your files organized, WSU created some sub-folders in your Home folder (e.g., Documents, Music, Pictures). You can use these folders if you wish or you can create your own. You can also create sub-folders within these folders (e.g., a Courses folder inside your Documents folder). Build a folder structure that works for you.

What's a default save location?

Some applications have default save locations for files you create using that application. For example, Microsoft Word opens a specific folder in your Home directory the first time you Save a document and every time you select Save As. WSU has already set the default save location of many of the applications that came installed on your MacBook. For example, the default save location for Word is your Documents folder in your Home directory. When you install applications, a default save location is selected automatically or you are asked to select one during the installation process. You want the default save location to be a folder in your Home directory. For example, when you install Apple iTunes, it will use your Music folder in your Home directory. Sometimes, an application will pick a very strange and out of the way default save location. Keep your eyes on this as you install applications and change the default save location if needed. Also, be careful about deleting or renaming existing folders in your Home directory if they are default save locations for an application.

How do I access the Home folder?

How To Clean Macbook Pro Laptop Hard Drive

From the hard drive icon

  1. Double-click the MacBook Pro/Air # drive icon on your desktop
  2. Open the Users folder
  3. Open the Home folder. It's the one with the icon that looks like a house and that is named with your username (Figure 2).

From the Go menu

  1. Select the Go menu
  2. Select Home. This opens up the home folder and displays its contents.

About the sub-folders in your Home folder

Documents, Music, Pictures, and Movies

These are folders that we created for you thinking that this might be a nice way for you to organize your files. If this works for you, great. If you want to create new folders with new names, that's fine too. However, keep in mind that these folders are default save locations for various applications. Even if you don't want to use them, please don't delete them for awhile until you are sure you have your own folder structure and default save locations worked out.


You may or may not have such a folder depending on what applications are installed on you MacBook. Don't confuse this Applications folder in your Home directory with the one that contains all of your installed applications. They are two different folders. This one simply stores personal data and files associated with certain applications. For example, the default storage location for the screen shots you capture using TechSmith SnagIt, a screen capture program, is a sub-folder in your Applications folder in your Home directory. The actual SnagIt application itself is stored in another location. For most applications, you can change their default save locations if you wish, but always check this Applications folder to see if there is anything in there you want to back up and retain.


The Desktop folder in your Home directory contains all the folders, files, and shortcuts found out on your desktop. Some people like to store things, lots of things, right on their desktop. They save files, folders, and shortcuts to applications right out on the desktop. If this method works for you and you want to replicate it on another MacBook, you will need to back up the Desktop folder and then copy and paste it to your Home directory on the other machine. Note that your shortcuts will not work on the new laptop if the applications they link to are not it the same place. The fastest way to restore them is to delete them and recreate them on the new laptop.


This folder contains any application update, printer driver, or other software or hardware-related file you ever downloaded from the web. The vast majority of these files do not need to be retained because you will probably never use them again. However, this folder may also contain manuals, journal articles, image files, and other useful, downloaded documents or media that you do want to retain. Take a look through your Downloads folder regularly. Delete anything you don't need and move anything important to another folder to better organize it. Ideally, your Downloads folder should be empty.



Because Mac OS X is a multi-user operating system, the Public folder is there to allow you to store files that would be accessible to other people who log on to your MacBook. Because no one but you typically logs on to your laptop, this folder isn't very useful. Don't delete it just in case you might need it someday.

Backing up your files

There are several ways that you can back up the files in your Home direcory:

  1. Drag-and-drop or copy-paste your entire Home folder to network, cloud, or external storage
  2. Pick and choose individual folders and files within your Home directory to drag-and-drop or Copy-Paste to network, cloud, or external storage

Restoring your files

To restore your files to a new MacBook, reverse the process you used to back them up:

Macbook Pro Laptop Hard Drive

  1. Drag-and-drop or copy-paste your entire Home folder from network, cloud, or external storage to the same locations on your new MacBook
  2. Drag-and-drop or copy-paste individual folders and files from network, cloud, or external storage to the same locations on your new MacBook

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Macintosh HD, or the MacBook internal hard drive, is basically the startup drive of most Apple computers. Cheap apple keyboard. That means if your Mac or MacBook Pro can’t mount its startup disk, it is likely that you will experience problems, like your computer gets stuck on the login screen or it does not boot at all. Situations like this can be very annoying, especially if you have critical and important files stored on the “unmountable” hard drive.

Fret not, because we will teach you what to do if your MacBook Pro won’t mount its startup disk. But before we do that, you better have a backup of all your data.

Backup, Backup, Backup!

Psb file viewer. Before you proceed with fixing the problem, it is best that you back up all your data first. That way, you can easily retrieve or recover your important documents and files in case something goes wrong.

Now, you might be wondering if it is possible to create a backup of your data, especially that your Mac is not even booting. Here’s what you should know: your Mac has a built-in Disk Utility, which can be accessed before startup. To use this, follow the steps below:

  1. Get an external hard drive and connect it to your Mac.
  2. Switch off your Mac. After five seconds, switch it back on.
  3. After hearing the startup sound, press the CMD and R keys. Hold them until the Apple logo appears.
  4. The macOS Utilities window will now appear.
  5. Choose Disk Utility and hit Continue to proceed.
  6. You can now start backing up your data using the external drive. Once you have backed up all your data, you can try a few fixes to your “unmountable” hard drive problems.

4 Fixes to a MacBook Pro That Can’t Mount Its Startup Disk

In most cases, mounting is an automatic process that happens as soon as the hard drive is connected to a Mac or MacBook Pro. Then again, drive mounting can be performed manually using the Disk Utility of your machine. It will be discussed further below. http://nzmhls.xtgem.com/Blog/__xtblog_entry/19154252-mac-os-x-kitchen-design-software#xt_blog.

Going forward, assuming you already have a backup of your important files and data, let’s proceed with resolving the problem. Below are a few ways to fix a MacBook Pro that can’t mount its startup disk:

1. Fix Your Hard Drive.

Sometimes, restarting your Mac is more than enough to fix the problem. However, if that does not work, then you might want to look into the angle that there might be something wrong with your hard drive. If that is the case, you have to boot your MacBook Pro in Recovery Mode via Disk Utility.

To hopefully fix your hard drive, follow these steps:

  1. Switch off your MacBook Pro.
  2. Turn it back on by pressing the Power button. But while doing that, press the CMD and R keys as well until the Apple logo appears.
  3. The macOS Utilities window will open. From there, select Disk Utility.
  4. From the left pane, choose your MacBook Pro hard drive.
  5. Navigate to the First Aid tab.
  6. Click the First Aid button to start fixing your drive.
  7. Wait for the process to finish before restarting your machine.

2. Run Your MacBook Pro in Safe Mode.

When booted in Safe Mode, your MacBook Pro will start only with the minimum requirements and utilities needed. All other programs and apps that are unnecessary will never be loaded. Hence, if the reason why your startup disk cannot be mounted is a faulty app or program, booting your MacBook Pro in Safe Mode might just fix your problem.

To run your MacBook Pro in Safe Mode, do these:

  1. Restart your MacBook Pro.
  2. After you hear the startup sound, press the SHIFT key immediately. Continue holding it until the Apple logo appears.
  3. If your MacBook Pro boots up properly, then uninstall any program or app you suspect is causing the problem.
  4. Restart your machine.

3. Disconnect All External Peripherals.

It is possible that a faulty peripheral connected to your MacBook Pro could be causing your startup disk problems. To verify this, follow the steps below:

  1. Switch off your machine.
  2. Disconnect all external peripherals connected to your MacBook Pro, including printers, external hard drives, USBs, and scanner. You may leave the keyboard and mouse attached in the meantime.
  3. Switch on your Mac. If it boots properly, then one of the peripherals is causing the problem.
  4. Identify the exact cause of the problem by connecting each of the peripherals one by one. Make sure you reboot your MacBook Pro every time you connect a peripheral.

4. Reset the SMC and PRAM.

This may sound like a technical solution, but it isn’t. In fact, resetting the SMC and the PRAM takes only a few seconds.

To reset the PRAM and SMC, follow these instructions:

  1. Reboot your MacBook Pro.
  2. After you hear the startup sound, press the Option, CMD, P, and R keys. Hold them until you hear the second startup tone.
  3. Release the keys. Your PRAM will then be reset.
  4. Restart your MacBook Pro and check if the problem persists.
  5. If resetting the PRAM does not fix the problem, try resetting the SMC. Start by shutting down your MacBook Pro.
  6. Plug your machine into a wall outlet.
  7. Next, press the CTRL, SHIFT, Option, and Power keys for 10 seconds and release them together.
  8. Restart your MacBook Pro and see if it worked.

How to Mount a Startup Disk on MacBook Pro

At this point, you probably want to know how to properly mount a startup disk on your MacBook Pro to avoid problems in the future. Well, mounting a startup disk does not literally suggest physically setting it up with all the wires. It simply means making the startup disk available for your system to perform different read and write operations.

If the startup drive is in good shape, your system Disk Utility should see it. Under the Disk Utility window, select your preferred startup disk. Click on it to mount. By now, your new startup disk should be accessible by your operating system.

What’s Next?

Now that you know how to deal with your “unmountable” startup disk problem, it’s time that you get your MacBook Pro running fast and smooth by downloading and installing a reliable tool like Outbyte MacRepair. Not only will this tool allow you to conveniently find and fix speed and stability problems, it will also protect your privacy. What more can you ask for from such a powerful tool?

If you know other ways to fix a MacBook Pro that can’t mount its startup disk, please share them with us below. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

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Macbook Pro Laptop Hard Drive
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